That may be a bit too much self promotion for me....but I am so excited to be a part of this wonderful collaborative community. I learn new things all the time. There are so many experts here with so much to share.
Birthdays are a great chance to go back and reflect on some of the things I have shared and some of the posts that made an impact on me and my teaching.
When I look back at the things I have shared it is no surprise that my favorite posts are my favorite things to do in my classroom.
I want to mention a few (I know there are more than I can ever shout out ). I apologize for that ahead of time.
I love everything Deb Chitwood writes. Her latest on owls is one of my favorites.
This post on the power of asking questions really got me thinking.
Carolyn Kisloski always rounds up a ton of ideas that are easy to use.
And she makes Prezi (which I want to learn to do).
Of course there is our fearless leader Debbie Clement. She is so talented and and sweet and kind and I learn so much from her. She has rounded up resources from many great contributors for a Birthday Bash Giveaway. Don't forget to enter here.

Terri, I love your post! I'll wish you could just come over and we could make some Prezis together! :)