August I blogged about how to “Sing Your Way Through the First Week of School!” Read it – it’s a great companion for this
post, with 5 great songs to start your year.
It’s Week 2! Let’s keep
the music moving forward to “Start School Singing!” Active Music improves fitness, stimulates
neural connections and is accessible to children of all abilities.

As you add a song each day, be sure to repeat the previous day’s
song. By the end of the week. You’ll
have a 15-20 minute Music Time – great for growing brains and bodies! Mix in some of the Week 1 songs, too! Yippee!
DAY 1: We Like to Say Hello
another way
We say Hola!
That’s the Spanish way!
Yes – this is a “zipper song” – just replace
the underlined words with another language and sing it again. I write the words on posterboard and tack it
to my table or wall so that my students can see the words – many call out the
choices by the color of the card! Ask
your students if they know how to say hello in another language – and add their
suggestions to the list. It’s a
wonderful way for children to share their knowledge and backgrounds.
Jambo….Swahili Bon Jour….French
Guten Tag….German Aloha….Hawaiian
Ni hao….Chinese Konichiwa….Japanese
Shalom....Hebrew Ciao....Italian
DAY 2: It’s a Beautiful Day! by Kathy Ried-Naiman
A beautiful day for JUMPING! |
It’s a beautiful day, it’s
a beautiful day
It’s a beautiful day for
It’s a beautiful day, it’s
a beautiful day
It’s a beautiful day for
Singing, singing, it’s a
beautiful day for singing!
Verses: Dancing, jumping, twirling – or add your own
This great song is a
no-brainer – just do what the lyric tells you to do. I teach my students the sign language for “singing”,
and that’s what they do during the first and final verses. Go to the ASL browser to see it demonstrated,
or stretch out your left arm in front of you, move your right hand back and
forth over it, as if playing a harp!
DAY 3: Wishy Washy Washerwoman
Waay down in the valley
where nobody goes
There’s a wishy washy
washerwoman washing her clothes
She goes wishy washy UP,
she goes wishy washy DOWN
That’s how the wishy
washy washerworman washes her clothes!
Additional verses:
V.2: drying her clothes, she goes whoo-eee!
V.3: folding her clothes, she goes side, side
V.4: eating Oreos, she goes dunk, mmm
V.5: saying adios, she goes bye bye, ta ta, au revoir, ciao baby!
V.3: folding her clothes, she goes side, side
V.4: eating Oreos, she goes dunk, mmm
V.5: saying adios, she goes bye bye, ta ta, au revoir, ciao baby!

For lines 1, 2 and 5, pat hands on thighs to the beat
For lines 3/4:
V.1 Zigzag hands (L/R/L) from lap to overhead and back down (R/L/R)
V.2 Sweep a side-by-side circle with hands in front, first counter clockwise, then clockwise
V.3 Clap hands to the right, then left (repeat)
V.4 Hold imaginary cookie in one hand, pretend to dunk in glass of milk!
V.5 Wave hand goodbye, then blow a kiss at the end!
BOOK BUDDIES: Check out the Mrs. Wishy Washy books by Joy Cowley - they are an wonderful way to pair literature with music!
DAY 4: Blow the Balloon! (a fingerplay –
learned from Hugh Hanley)
Audio link - Song #16
Blow the balloon.
Blow the balloon.
Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow!
Where did my balloon go?
DAY 5: Down I Flop!
Clapping, clapping,
see me clapping
Clapping, clapping, all day long!
Nobody knows I can clap so well
Nobody knows I can stand / so / still. (big pause)
Clapping, clapping, see me clapping
When I am tired, down... I .... FLOP!
Clapping, clapping, all day long!
Nobody knows I can clap so well
Nobody knows I can stand / so / still. (big pause)
Clapping, clapping, see me clapping
When I am tired, down... I .... FLOP!
Flopping en masse! |
Once again, do what the song tells you to
do! Flopping? Demonstrate falling to the floor while in
control of your body. We don’t flop onto
another child, or into walls or furniture!
You’ll need open floor space for this one – great for outdoors, too! Be sure children learn to run going in the
same direction with respect for others’ space.
Now you’re cookin’! If you have questions, concerns or want to
tell me how YOU do one of these songs, PLEASE write a comment at the end of
this blog. Or you can email me – but it’s
better to share with everyone!
If your school or district needs an in-service
to re-charge your music curriculum, call or email me! This
Fall I’ll be in Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, and Washington DC doing workshops
and concerts. Check out my EventsCalendar! I’ll also be presenting at the
NAEYC Conference in Dallas in early November.
I will have time to skip out and do a local workshop just for your TX group! Let’s talk!
Yours for a Back-To-School Song!
“Miss Carole” Stephens
MacaroniSoup! Active Music for Active Learners!847-384-1404
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