For my blog
this month I’m sharing three great songs and a chant! Don’t forget to check back on my 2012 (SeasonSings) and 2013 (Blow the Wind) September/October blogs for more windy songs!
Let’s begin – WHOOSH!
The Windy Day
Walking at the beginning... |
This simple
poem will get everyone moving. First
demonstrate the movement to your children while they are sitting down. Simply speak the words rhythmically while walking to the beat. On the last line,
turn and face the other direction, ready to begin again walking again. Then invite them to try it with you. Pause briefly at the end of each repetition to be sure
everyone changes direction. Go a little
faster with each repetition!
Now we're running really fast! |
was a man in our town,
for a walk one day
wind it blew so very hard
turned him the other way!
To hear this, click here! It's on my "H.U.M. - Highly Usable Music" cd.
I usually do 4-5 repetitions.
NOTE: Be sure you have open space for running! Do “The
Windy Day” outdoors, too!
Miss Carole and class - ready to fly! |
I first blogged about this song several years ago - so I'll be brief here - check out the original blog "Making BOO Fun" for even more details!
A visual can
really help for this slightly spooky song – you and your child(ren) can draw
the farm on paper, or use a flannelboard as I do. Each child loves to put a bat
on the farm before we start! The tune is
“The Green Grass Grew All Around” – but in a minor key – that’s the slightly
spooky part! It is also on my “H.U.M.
– Highly Usable Music” cd. It will soon be available for album download if you
prefer that to a cd.
This is a
call/response or echo song. The leader sings the line, the children sing it
back. We flap our bat wings during the chorus. I advise my younger students to
snuggle up to a friend or teacher should they become scared, which hardly ever
was a farm…
spooky little farm…
spookiest farm….
you ever did see—eee!
field’s on the farm, the farm’s full of spooks – BOO!
the black bats flew all around, all around
black bats flew all around, OH –
black bats flew all around, all around
black bats flew all around!
Our flannelboard Black Bat Farm! |
V.2 And on that farm…
There was a vine
The creepiest vine
That you ever did see-eee!
A vine’s on the field, the field’s on the farm, the farm’s full of
spooks – BOO!
Add a verse:
On that vine, there is a pumpkin
The cutest little pumpkin
you ever did see-eee!
And in that pumpkin,
There are some seeds
The slimy-est seeds
That you ever did see-eee!
What to do for motions? We trace a
square in the air for the farm. We flat-hand a circular motion for the
field. Use your pointer finger to
squiggle a line from high to low for that creepy vine. Smile when you make a circle with your thumbs
and pointer fingers for that cute pumpkin.
And wipe your slimed hands together for the gooshy seeds! Flap those bat wings, flinging hands overhead
for the “OH” in the chorus.
Children ask me for this song all year long – it’s a favorite!
A Friendly Blue Goblin! |
SONG 2: 10
Ok – I’ll be
up front about this one – it’s one of MY favorites! Get out your scarves and have a blast!
We first talk about what a goblin might be –
since they are pretend, we can make them anything we want – big/small,
nice/nasty, quiet/loud – it’s a great chance to talk about opposites! Hear it on my “Season Sings!” cd!
Then we put
a scarf over our head – because goblins can be any color – and tiptoe,
float, and say “boo!” before putting the scarf on the floor to “sleep on the
While my
students are quietly sleeping, I whisper “When I count to 3, you will wake up,
stretch your arms, then sit criss-cross, applesauce.” Once accomplished, I call them to put their
scarves away by color – “If you have a blue scarf, put it in the bag,” and so
little goblins hear them sing:
ooo ooo (use high voices!)
little goblins floating all about
little goblins, hear them shout!
Boo! Boo! (use loud voices)
little goblins dancing all alone
little goblins, hear them moan:
Ahhh Ahhh (use low voices)
little goblins sleeping on the ground
little goblins – don’t make a sound!
© KimboEducational 1985
If are looking for great scarves, try They offer scarves (and many other great props for movement) made to my specifications. If you order from the Miss Carole’s Macaroni Soup Specials page, you’ll get a discount!
My good
friend Susan Salidor posted this one just days ago – hot out of her fertile
musical mind! It’s a great zipper song –
and you can sing it TOMORROW! WatchSusan do it HERE!
Hey little leaf, little leaf, little
RED leaf
Hey little leaf, fallin’ on the
Hey little leaf, little leaf, little
RED leaf
Hey little leaf, fallin’ on the
Rake up the leaves, put ‘em in a pile
Throw ‘em in the air with an October
Rake up the leaves, put ‘em in a pile
Throw ‘em in the air with an October
Repeat with different colored leaves!
It’s that simple – whoo-hoo! A BIG
THANKS to Susan Salidor for sharing! In
case you’re thinking, “Where have I heard that name before?” – fellow author on
this blog Brigid Finucane listed Susan as one of her fav Midwest Children’s
Musician/Educators in her July blog!
Please check back for my November 16
blog – my newest cd, “Polka Dots!” is set for November 1st release,
and I’ll be sharing more new songs! Let
me know how you’re using the songs I post each month. I also take requests – “Miss Carole – I need
a new banana song – whatcha got?” (and
yes, I have a banana song!)
Yours for a Windy Song!
“Miss Carole” Stephens
Thank you, once again, Carole for a great post - brimming with seasonal and spooky fun!
ReplyDeleteClearly written, replicable and open-ended ideas perfect for PreK and K classrooms!
You are welcome, Miss Brigid! I try!
ReplyDeleteAlways enjoy your posts Carole. I do a similar version of the Wind Chant and ask children what else could be in our town....