Time marches on. We're fully immersed in summer here in our haven home. All ready for the fireworks on the horizon! What do you have on your summer bucket list? I hope that it includes lots of reflection on all that you contribute to the lives of young children. I hope that you have ample time to recharge your battery! I use this season to cull back through my photo memory cards and create RoundUPs to support and inspire you. {Just click the photos below to go to the full article on my blog: RainbowsWithinReach.}
Here's a RoundUP of all sorts of Arts & Crafts ideas to celebrate your patriotism here in the States. As the author of "Red, White and Blue" I am feted with amazing creativity as I arrive for my school visits.

As part of supporting
I am going to do something new.
I am going to host a Twitter chat series on Tuesday nights!
Think of it as Twitter-Chat for Newbies!
We will begin at 9 PM Eastern Standard Time.
There will be prizes!
We will follow the hashtag (yup, that's the pound sign:)
#Teacher Friends
for all the fun, learning and growing network of support.
Come give us a try!
There are happy, helping facilitators in the wings to guide + direct.
Did you hear me say there would be PRIZES?!?!?!
Bring your friends.
We'll all hold hands and learn together.
I have an earlier Twitter Tutorial article if you want to do some preparation.
That article has a directory of 99 K Tweeps already organized!

Headed to the ocean?
Want to take a virtual-trip there through Arts & Crafrts?
Look no further for *TONS* of ideas!

Handprints? Handprints you say?
I have gathered over 137 at last count!
I have made a valiant effort to organize them 'by-the-season.'
Click through and you'll see what I mean!

There must be a TON of 'David' fans.
This newest RoundUP has had lots of viewers and pins!
So clever: teacher anchor charts, bulletin boards and student replicas!
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