Hello Everybody, How Do You Do? |
from Miss Carole at Macaroni Soup! It’s
here – or just around the corner, depending on your location! The
First Day of School 2013/14! For most young children it’s exciting, a
little scary or just an entrée into the unknown!
you forget to have a new song ready? Everything goes better with music! Singing smooths out separation anxiety,
channels excess energy and is accessible to children of all abilities!
Here are 5 songs to get your through your
first week. Listen to them at the links
provided to the Song of the Month pages on my Macaroni Soup website. They’re
all easy-to-learn, kid-tested and Teacher Approved! (AND they are ALL on my “Sticky Bubble Gum cd!) As you add a song each day, be sure
to repeat the previous day’s song. By
the end of the week, you’ll have a whole 15-20 minute Music Time going! Whoo-hoo!
DAY 1: Hello Everybody, How Do You Do?
Hello everybody, how do you do?
How do you do? How do you do?
Hello everybody, how do you do?
I love you, to-day!
I love you to-day - on Day One? YES! |
If you like the color red, pat your head!
(pause, encouraging children to pat their head)
If you like the color blue, pat your shoe!
(pause, encouraging
children to find their shoe)
If you like the color green, pat your knees! (demonstrate
where the knees are!)
I love you, to-day!
things you might add to verses:
If you like choo choo trains, blow your whistle! Toot Toot!
If you like ice cream, say yum! (rub your tummy!)
If you like dinosaurs, let me hear you roar! ROAR!!!!
NOTE: for instructions about motions for the
chorus, check out the link!)
My foot is starting to wiggle! |
DAY 2:
The Wiggle Song!
Tune: “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”
My hands
are starting to wiggle
My hands
are starting to wiggle
My hands
are starting to wiggle
Around and
around and around! (turn in place)
(more verses: feet, hips, head, now all of
me is a-wiggle)
DAY 3: Sticky Bubble Gum
We blow a pretend bubble first - how big can they make it before it pops - these girls are finding out!
sticky sticky bubble gum
gum, bubble gum
sticky sticky bubble gum
your hands to your shoes!
Toe to nose - spectacular! |
Stick knees to elbows, toe to nose, hand to
someone else’s hand, or head to the floor!
Yes, this is my signature song – because kids
LOVE it! Make up your own verses,
and have the kids make up verses once they know the song well. I clap from side to side – cross-lateral
movement is a plus!
Couple this song with Bubble Gum, BubbleGum by Lisa Wheeler and you’ve got your whole Circle Time!
There's also a video of this song on my website!
DAY 4: Little Ol’ Wagon
WAGON BOARD with color cards |
This song takes a little prep (hence I made
it Day 4!) You can make a wagon board –
on posterboard make a picture of a wagon.
Laminate it. Put a piece of Velcro
in the middle of the rectangle. Cut
rectangles of different colored paper the same size as the shape on your wagon
board. Laminate each rectangle. Stick a piece of Velcro on the back of each
colored rectangle, and you’re ready to sing!
Tune: “Skip To My Lou”
Little ol’
wagon painted red
Little ol’
wagon painted red
Little ol’
wagon painted red
Skip to my
Lou, my darlin’!
I ask the children to pick a “magic word”
to change the color after each verse. I’ve
heard everything from “shazam” to “please!”
Make some kooky rectangles, too – such as polka dots, stripes, kisses,
DAY 5: Hi Dee Ho!
Raise your arms up to the sky! |
“tune”: It’s that Marine Marching Cadence!
dee Hi dee Hi dee
Ho! (kids echo)
Wiggledy wiggledy
wiggledy Whoa! (echo)
Raise your
arms up to the sky! (echo)
Make a
smile and wave bye bye! (echo)
This is easy – get the kids’ attention with
the first line, then indicate that it’s their turn to sing it back to you by
pointing and nodding to them.
Line 2: Get
your best wiggle on.
Line 3,
shoot your arms straight up in the air!
4: point to your mouth (which
is smiling)
and then wave one hand.
Whew – week one taken care of! Keep singing through Week Two – and all year
for a Song! (or 5)
Carole” Stephens
Macaroni Soup! Active Music for Kids!