"Over the Top" Kids
recap by Debbie Clement
This past Tuesday we had an incredibly insightful Twitter Chat!
Actually EVERY Tuesday is an amazing Twitter Chat!
This one just resonated with me. Personally.
Our #GuestEduCelebrity was Wendy Young.
She is co-author of the forthcoming book, "BLOOM."
I'm going to screen shot several of Wendy's tweets from our chat.
She is a wealth of information, insight and support.
My hope is to support you as you support children who have challenges.
At the same time I'd like lure you into our weekly Twitter chat!
I know. I know. You don't even have a Twitter account.
Or you started one ages ago and then just couldn't see the benefit.
Let me tell you. Honestly. Twitter is an acquired taste.
You just have to find some tweeps that resonate with you and your experience.
THEN you can have professional development 24/7!
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I'm @Kweezlequeen on Twitter: long story, just follow me! |
Let me see if I can capture just a little bit of what you missed.
I am the moderator of our Tuesday night chat.
I ask our guests five questions over the course of an hour.
Everyone that 'attends' also answers the question.
For Tuesday, the first question I asked was:
"TeacherFriends What's your favorite suggestion
for helping angry, 'Over the Top' Kids?"
Now here come some of Wendy's answers............
*****These are screen shots....
Just click on the images below
to go directly to the article quoted.
We are working diligently to get the entire chat into an organized, archived format.
Several tech gliches have kept us from having that ready at this time.
I will add it here, just as soon as it is captured.
In the meantime, come wading in the Twitter pool with me!
Can you believe that the month of May has arrived?
I think May and I think Mother's Day.
A while back I created this 'subway' art of my mothering thoughts.
I titled it, "Things I Learned in Mom School."
Download and print: VOILA!
Give it to your favorite mom.... or better still?
Give it to your favorite GRANDMOM!
If we've arrived at May, then it is seriously time to get your End-of-the-Year Program together.
I have two songs that I've written and recorded that are each perfect for this time of year.
They are each in digital format, with Mp3s included in the zip file.
Start today and I *PROMISE* you will be performance ready in time.
They are each THAT simple!
Depending on the focus of your program,
you can either go with the three tissue self-esteem anthem,
"You're Wonderful"
or go patriotic and use
"Red, White and Blue"
which has also been known to incite tears.
They are each available at our Early Education Emporium.
Or perhaps you are more familiar with TeachersPayTeachers.

I've had a couple of AMAZING school visits since last month,
to some of your favorite cyber-friend/bloggers.
I just visited Mr. Greg in Nashville..... read all about it on my blog here or on Greg's blog there!
I absolutely ADORE this picture of their preparation for my arrival!

They are making quilt square art in response to my first picture book!
Greg is going with the "no table" approach to his kindergarten classroom this year.
Give the room a whole new feel.
Opens it up and allows for my kinder-sprawl!
Can you find my book?
Be still my heart!!!
As if that wasn't enough.... two days ago I visited with Cheryl of "Primary Grafitti" fame.
Here's the tweet that she sent out right in the middle of #TeacherFriends chat.
The mature students are 'freezing funny faces' in response to my song, "Jumpin' Jiminy.'
If you EVER wanted to take a peek at an 'organized' classroom,
come look over my shoulder as I mozy around the perimeter of her room!
Prepare to be amazed!
Here's one more FREEBIE for you for your End-of-Year gift.
You can download it in pdf format over at our Early Education Emporium!
I'll sign off with a HUGE sense of gratitude for yet another of my blogging friends.
Mary, over at "Sharing Kindergarten" has embraced the Wobble Seats that we distribute.
I don't have to put words in her mouth, as she's written at length about her excitement over our seating alternative.
She started with a set of four WobbleSeats and then got a dozen MORE!
When you order a dozen we can have them shipped for free.
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