The end of the calendar awaits! Do you believe it?
Let's hear it for our cyber-connectedness! I gave thanks for all the many ways that the internet has changed my life over this last weekend. An amazing unfolding is happening in real time for me now as I type. VERY exciting. More on that in a minute.
It is a must. You may have already been in the first million to read her heart-felt, poignant tear-stained epistle of a couple weeks back. If not, mark this one for your MUST read file. Not very often does the Washington Post circulate a blog article. Not very often does a peer's blog article get officially translated into dozens of other languages. This one hits the mark on so many levels. Do yourself a favor and go there now. We'll wait for you to return. Take a tissue.

Amy is one of the founders of the Monday night Twitter #Kinderchat that unfolds in real time at 9PM EST. I want to be like Amy when I grow up. Seriously. Her insight into children and teachers and cyberspace and words are amazing. {Plus, she's gone viral!}
She is so
While we were in Dallas for NAEYC, I got to make several school visits. The first one had L-O-N-G anticipated my arrival and the YOUNG children had created delightful 'quilts' in response to my picture book illustrations. They hung from the ceiling in the POLKA-DOT room! (I kid you not, they have a bright yellow POLKA-DOT room!) Eight classes. Eight quilts. You deserve a close-up of those beauties! Really you do!
It is the article that I posted last night that has my blog 'meter' on over-drive today. While visiting Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary, my hostess Miss Young showed me around her room and when I saw the AUTHENTIC art of her four year old students in response to Eric Carle, it was as though all of the air was sucked out of the room!
I have been waiting patiently until the turkey was all gobbled before I could commit my thoughts to the screen. The drawings by the fours are truly incredible and utterly delightful! I have compared their GENUINE work to that of interchangeable 'craftivity' projects. I have also attempted to bring some scholarly insight to the article, in addition to my own feelings and opinions.
TRUE CONFESSION. Since I can see that the readership of my "Authentic vs. Craftivity" article will continue to grow, I have spent most of today adding to and editing it, to best advantage. Hence my tardiness over here!
In the mean time here are a couple of back articles that will help fill your December reading. Just click the picture to return to the original article.
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