“Would you like to sing a solo?” Many adults might find the very thought of
singing by themselves in front of a group terrifying. Most children, given proper preparation and
support, say “YES! Bring it on!”
Miss Carole Stephens
here of Macaroni Soup! Active Music for Active Learners! You don’t have to be a music teacher to try
solo singing with 4’s and K’s. You do
need to be able to keep a rhythm and maintain pitch.
Good! You’re still with me! The benefits of learning to sing solo at a
young age are many:
- Independence from others
- Confidence building
- Taking turns
- Active listening
- Accurate pitch reproduction
- And in this particular song, rhyming
Let’s get
started! First, learn the song, “No More
Pie!” There are many versions of it on
the internet – just google it or go to YouTube.
For clear pitches, click here. To see it in “performance”, with less clear
pitches, click here, The song is very repetitive - not a lot to learn!
. I suggest not teaching motions, at least until the children
are very clear with the pitches. It
muddies the water.
the first go, have your whole group echo back each line:
Teacher: Oh my! Class: Oh my!
Teacher: No more pie! Class:
No more pie!
Pie’s too
I want a
piece of meat
too red.
I want a
piece of bread.
too brown.
I think I’ll
go to town.
too far.
I think I’ll
take a car.
Car won’t
I fell
and stubbed my toe.
Toe gives
me pain.
I think I’ll
take a train.
Train had
a wreck.
I fell
and hurt my neck.
Oh my!
No more
I use either
a toy microphone or a pointer/wand to indicate to the children when it is their
turn to sing. This step is
important. It sets the routine for the
next time: solo singing!
I usually demonstrate by having a teacher
echo me the first time we do solo’s.
Then I continue around the circle, allowing each child to have a turn
singing a line back to me. Look at the
body language on the child at left – waiting his turn!
He doesn’t want to miss a thing!
And those expectant faces as they listen to their peers singing – yes!
What could go wrong? Occasionally a child hasn’t listened to the
line they will sing back to me. So I
sing it to them again! What about the
shy child who shakes their head “no” when you point the mic to them? Move on to the next child! This isn’t about embarrassing or making a
child uncomfortable. It seldom
happens that a child does not sing something back. Be sure to offer the
opportunity to the child the next time you do this activity – they may have just needed to see how it’s
done and have time to gain confidence.
I printed out a lyric sheet (cheat sheet)
from Cos Cob School of Music: http://cos-cob-school-music.greenwich.wikispaces.net/file/view/No+More+Pie+Lyrics.pdf. It is excellent – and the pict-o-grams give
the children the opportunity to “read” the lyrics after they’ve sung them!
Other songs that make fun solo
opportunities: “My Aunt Came Back” and “Down
By the Bay!” Do you have others – please
Let's Sing Through Spring!
Yours for
a Song!
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