Soooo we have been busy busy busy in the last few weeks. The kids have had their half term holidays from nursery and kinder and it was time to have some fun. I thought I would take the opportunity to share 3 of our favourite Springs craft with you - some from the half term break and some from years gone by...
First up we have our Cress Heads.. such a CLASSIC activity for kids of all ages. There is a reason why kids love doing it - it is creative, fun AND they get to see results QUICKLY.. ours grew in 4 days. Amazing. Kids came to take a look almost hourly to check on progress!
We love exploring the Four Seasons each year and pick a different theme each year. First we did Bubble Wrap Printing, then we made these contact paper colour pictures.. and finally we did nature Spring art.
Egg Carton Blossom Fairy Lights. The kids ADORED painting these egg cartons in pinks (for blossom) and yellow (for daffodils). We then added a little glitter and our new Spring Fairy Lights were almost finished. They looked so pretty and jolly!
I hope some of these easy and hands on activities have inspired you to have a go!
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Using Cards to Build Number Skills
It's Scott from Brick by Brick. I love to repurpose materials—use materials in ways different from their intended purpose.
Playing cards or other numbered cards can be reused to practice number skills and math skills.
You can use any playing cards...just take out the face cards. I've been using Uno cards, since the numbers are large and focus on single digits.
For pre-K and kindergartners, use them to practice numeral recognition. They can sort or match the numerals; talk about each one. As they count or group objects into quantities, show and say the numeral.
As kindergartners gain more skills, show a card and ask them to count out that many objects. Show another card and count objects. Then compare the two quantities.
If you create your own board game, you can use these cards as part of the game. Draw a card and move a game piece that number of spaces on your game.
Or draw a card and find that many items in the room that share a common characteristic (color, shape).
For older kindergartners, draw three cards. Help the child put the numerals in order from least to greatest. (I played this game with first graders last year.)
Use the cards for part-part-whole skills. Lay down a 5 card and count out the objects. Divide the objects into two groups and locate the numerals for those amounts. (For example, 1 and 4.) Seeing these parts of a larger number builds skills in addition and subtraction.
Another reason I like using Uno cards is that I can use the cards to make larger numerals. I can put 2 card and 3 card next to each other for 23. If you have a child interested in numbers, you can create any number by placing the cards next to one another. (And Uno cards have a 0!)
But note. Whatever you are doing with your kids, keep it a game. Don't drill or force the play. Start a game. If a child gets engaged, keep going. If the child seems interested in something else, put it aside. You have introduced a concept; build on it when a child's interest is high.
What ideas do you have for using cards with numbers?
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
PETE SEEGER - A Time to Thank
Pete Seeger – A Time to Thank
To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time for every purpose under heaven.
Brigid here, from Merit School of Music in Chicago, IL.
On January 27, 2014, Pete Seeger
died, and the world is a darker and sadder place for losing his extraordinary
voice, spirit, and commitment to "changing the world one song at a time."
Those who had the honor and pleasure
of knowing the man have written about Seeger far more eloquently than I can
hope to, among them Peter
Yarrow, Arlo
Guthrie, and my friend Stuart Stotts. The listserv of the Children’s Music Network (CMN), of which he was a member, also witnessed
a poignant outpouring of stories, testimonials to the profound impact he made
on all of us. One of my favorites, excerpted from Scott
Alarik’s book, Revival, can be found on the CMN blog. You’ll be happy you took the time to look.
post is dedicated to Pete Seeger,
and to his aural home,
Smithsonian Folkways.
Seeger walked the walk and talked the
talk of peace and social justice throughout his life. He was a mensch, devoted to his family and wife, Toshi, a humanitarian and planetarian (my word) who included respect for the earth as part of
the equation. A singer, scholar, song collector and activist who rode the rails with Woody Guthrie, he lived a rich and
complicated life in challenging times. He wrote and collaborated brilliantly on
iconic songs that resonate to this day – If I Had a Hammer (with
Lee Hays of the Weavers), Where Have All the Flowers Gone? (with Joe Hickerson) – and also had the
wisdom to recognize, support and sing the songs of talented songwriters, from Malvina Reynolds’ Little Boxes ... Josh White Jr.’s English is Cuh-Ray Zee more than four decades later.**
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Rivertown Kids...Changing the world! |
Thank you, Pete, for showing us, through a life well lived, the power of song.
If you’re an educator or musician
working with young children, you might be wondering how to present Pete Seeger
in your classroom. One avenue is through picture books, especially books that
can be sung.

Abiyoyo is arguably the best known of Seeger’s books to sing, and rare indeed is the library or classroom that does not possess a copy of the book, based on a lilting South African (Bantu) lullaby and folktale.

OneGrain of Sand: A Lullaby, originally
written for his daughter, Tinya, is an exquisitely illustrated, reflective book, perfect to sing during a quiet time - or turn the pages while Seeger sings.

I Had A Rooster involves three generations of the Seeger clan. The song was collected in American Folksongs for Children by Pete’s stepmother and acclaimed composer, Ruth Crawford Seeger, recorded by Pete, who also wrote the book’s forward, and vibrantly illustrated by daughter-in-law, Laura Vaccaro Seeger.

Abiyoyo is arguably the best known of Seeger’s books to sing, and rare indeed is the library or classroom that does not possess a copy of the book, based on a lilting South African (Bantu) lullaby and folktale.

OneGrain of Sand: A Lullaby, originally
written for his daughter, Tinya, is an exquisitely illustrated, reflective book, perfect to sing during a quiet time - or turn the pages while Seeger sings.

I Had A Rooster involves three generations of the Seeger clan. The song was collected in American Folksongs for Children by Pete’s stepmother and acclaimed composer, Ruth Crawford Seeger, recorded by Pete, who also wrote the book’s forward, and vibrantly illustrated by daughter-in-law, Laura Vaccaro Seeger.
Side note: The continued relevance of American Folksongs for Children cannot be overstated. Ruth Crawford Seeger pioneered the use of American folksong in children's music education - starting with her own!
It's one of the books I most strongly recommend to those interested in singing
with children.
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Pete Seeger of the Weavers performs at the Old Town School of Folk Music in Chicago, IL, January 13, 1958. Photo by Robert Malone, courtesy of Smithsonian Folkways Recordings. |
“Moses Asch, who in 1948 had started his Folkways label, was an old friend and supporter….During the 50s and 60s, Folkways published dozens of Seeger’s records….(and) his children’s records were entertaining a new generation of youngsters in schools and summer camps, where he was also known to make appearances. His great children’s albums from this period remain best sellers today, including his own story Abiyoyo.”
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American Folk, Game and Activity Songs |
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Click on the links beneath the CD/album covers for a fuller appreciation of their contents. Sound samples and track listings reveal an array of singable songs to delight our children and enliven our classrooms. Birds, Beast, Bugs & Fishes (Little and Big) by itself contains Fly Through My Window, I Had a Rooster, the rollicking Alligator, Hedgehog, fanciful Frog Went a Courting, Mister Rabbit, Skip to My Lou, Mole in the Ground, The Fox - and 20 more! All of these recordings are similarly charming and relevant - and speak directly to the subjects that interest our children and engage their hearts.
Each album's information page includes links to liner notes and more! Let's examine this last feature - the liner notes.
Smithsonian Folkways took on the massive job, accomplished over many years, of cataloging and digitizing not only recordings, but also preserving the liner notes. These historical documents contain fascinating notes written by the collectors, researchers and recording artists (in this case, Seeger). Seeger’s children’s recordings also include lyrics and dance/game directions in many instances – a treasure trove, indeed. Let’s take a look at how to access liner notes:
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Birds, Beasts, Bugs and Fishes (Little and Big) |
1. Choose recording. Click on either the cover OR the title of the album. The next page will open.
2. Locate "Download Liner Notes" at the center of the page, above the "track listings."
Click on the pdf icon (circled in blue).
Click on the pdf icon (circled in blue).
3. The front album cover will open first, followed by the back cover (above), then...
4. The liner notes appear! In this particular case, the track listing is followed by an introduction then song lyrics, and graced with the addition of several pen and ink illustrations.
5. Now you try -- with one of the albums above or below!! You can't go wrong! My personal favorite, if that's possible, is American Folk, Game and Activity Songs. Tracks 1-11 were selected by Pete from Ruth Crawford Seeger's book, American Folksong for Children (see above), and the liner notes are of particular interest.
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Song and Play Time |
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Folk Songs for Young People |
I confess that I was not aware of the magnitude of SF’s offerings
until I happened to take part in the weeklong Smithsonian
Folkways Certification Course in World Music Pedagogy during the summer of
2012, a highly recommended experience!
This course is offered every summer at the University
of Washington in Seattle, under the inspired direction of Dr. Patricia
Shehan Campbell and her superb band of artist-musicians and teachers.
Though a music background is helpful, don’t be deterred if you haven’t one.
Passion, commitment and a willingness to learn are more important qualities,
and people are there to aid and assist. Full disclosure – a basic ability to notate is helpful.
Though I primarily teach early childhood music classes (Pre-K to third
grade), it was valuable to step outside of that world and immerse myself in
what was offered. Our class
listened, moved and authentically participated in rich, diverse global music
traditions, many of which were previously obscure to us. As a culminating
activity, we individually delved into a chosen topic by creating a lesson plan
for Smithsonian Folkways, based on music in its vast collection. There are now 100+ of these free lesson plans online, created by those who participated in the course.
Lesson plans are available through the dropdown
menu under Tools for Teaching by
clicking on lessons and activities and are arranged by continent. Mine is The
Power of Pete Seeger’s Songs and Stories. It was a labor of love,
formulated for K – 2nd grade classrooms, though the activities can
be easily adapted for older and younger students.
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Cooler than the breeze Pinterest page! Check it out! |

A final note: Smithsonian Folkways, though part of the Smithsonian Institution, does not receive any governmental support , so I am especially glad to contribute to this amazing
organization through the purchase of CDs, vinyl (!), and individual songs from
their always expanding collection.
Thank you, Smithsonian Folkways, for
your good work. You are indeed our national treasure.
Bits and pieces
Posted 2/19/14 on Smithsonian Folklife listserv. A time to listen!
*Turn! Turn! Turn! - Music by Pete Seeger, words adapted from the Bible's Book of Ecclesiastes. Wikipedia
states, “The
song is notable for being one of a few instances in popular music in which a
large portion of scripture is set to music….The Byrds' version distinguishes
the song as the #1 pop hit with the oldest
lyrics, dating back to the Book of Ecclesiastes. Many biblical scholars believe
Ecclesiastes 1:1 implies King Solomon as the book's author; thus, if true,
giving Solomon (born c. 1011 BC) lyrical credit for a number one hit.”
**English is Cuh-Ray-Zee.” - Depending on the source, Seeger is listed as a co-writer with Josh White, Jr.,
although in his 2009 Smithsonian YouTube (above), he attributes sole authorship to Josh
White, Jr. states that Pete contributed the refrain, “English is cuh-ray-zee.”
***I must admit to a partiality for playparties - and I'm especially intrigued by
the photo on the cover of this recording!
And in the end...
Thank you so much for joining me! Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I hope you’ll visit me next month when I’ll be sharing more apps, musical ideas, and artists I'm thankful for!
I am continually inspired by the Children’s Music Network (CMN) community. an international group of socially conscious musicians, educators, librarians, families, songwriters and good people, who “celebrate the positive power of music in the lives of children by sharing songs, exchanging ideas, and creating community.” Please visit CMN, and find a gathering in your region.
©2014 Brigid Finucane * 847-213-0713 *
Monday, February 17, 2014
Rewarding Good Behavior
At our school, we have Bee theme behavior system. PBIS is still running strong and so we have kept our school rules short and sweet. They are, Be Ready, Be Safe and Be Kind...thus the Bee theme. When students are caught following these rules without needing reminders, they earn a Bee Buck. A Bee buck is a little ticket that has our three school rules on it, a picture of a Bee and a place for the students’ name.
At the beginning of the year, in my classroom, when kiddos earn a Bee buck, they will write their name on it and put it in the Bee Buck can. Kiddos also get to move their name up on our behavior chart if they earn a Bee Buck. At the end of each week, I pick a name from the can to be our Bee Buck Winner for the week. Their name is also read during morning announcements with the other Bee Buck winners from other classrooms.
After Christmas, students can still earn Bee Bucks but they must collect 10 Bee Bucks to be able to put them in the special can. Once they get 10…I count them, they kiddo’s put them in the can and then they get to choose a prize from my classroom treasure box.
At the end of each day, if students have been able to move their names up and they have stayed above green, they earn an m&m for each color above green they are. This is something they work VERY hard for! Students also color in their calendar for the day, so their parent’s know what color they were on for the day. I use these calendars from Lori Rosenberg over at Teaching With Love and Laughter. She has many wonderful things in her store! Check her out!! Just click on the calendar below! The clip chart is also the clip chart that I used in my classroom.
The colors are as follows: Outstanding-Pink, Great Job-Purple, Good Day-Blue, Ready to Learn-Green, Think About It-Yellow, Teacher's choice-orange, Parent Contact-Red. Students can move up and down the chart all day long based on the choices they are making.
I also reward overall classroom behavior. I have a tally system. When my overall class is making a good choice (working quietly, waiting quietly, walking quietly in a line…etc), they earn a tally mark. If they are not making good choices as a class, I earn a point. When students get to 10 tally marks, they earn popcorn and a movie. If I get to 10 tally marks first, students owe me work time instead of choice/play time.
We have Bee trophies for classrooms that our principal catches Being Ready, Being Safe or Being kind throughout the week. The classroom winners are also announced during Friday announcements. Then our principal presents the winning classes with the trophy after announcements. I am proud to say that OUR CLASS WON THIS PAST WEEK!!!! YAAAAAHHHHH HOOOOOOO!!! We have been working so hard…and that hard work finally paid off!
As you notice, our Bee trophy is decked out in glasses, a vest, skirt and even a purse! Each time a classroom win's the trophy, they add something special to the trophy. You may even notice that one class added a band-aide to her little leg. What should we add???
How do you reward good behavior? Leave a comment and share how you manage your classroom/child behavior!
Carie is a kindergarten teacher from Illinois who writes on the 17th of each month. She
shares her experiences and ideas from her classroom,
reading, writing, math, Art, and several other fun and exciting things!
Carie also writes her own blog:
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