JoJo is a middle school art teacher now, but used to be our Kindergarten and First grade Art teacher until our district decided to make some moves a few years ago. JoJo had such knack for working with our Kinders and First graders, she would get them to do work that I never imagined a child that age was capable of! When I asked her to be a guest writer for our blog, she was a nervous because she has never blogged before! I told her not to worry and to just think of it as if she were sharing with me on what she did with her kinder classes. So, when she agreed to write, I was super happy to get to share her talent with each and every one of you!
JoJo has decided to share one of her FAVORITE lesson plans for Kindergarten:
Where the Wild Things Are
The Focus of this lesson: reading, imagination and painting process and brush care
Materials Needed: Book:
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
18 X 24 white or neutral
construction paper 80# (heavy is better for tempera paint)
Black tempera paint (day 1)
Colors of tempera paint (day two
and three) I use old frosting cups to hold paint because it will not tip over
it is a cylinder, plus you can leave at the easel and cover it with the lid!
Brushes/ water cups at each easel/
hand wash buckets around the room with towels
Easels (optional but truly the BEST
way for Kinder age)
Day 1:
Introduce the book and Ask children if they have ever seen this book before.
Read story, talk and keep the topic
light regarding the wild things…
Notice in the book: The yellow eyes
of the wild things.
Talk about their facial features and exaggerate…
- Ask children if they have ever seen this book before?
At the Easel you:
- Paint using black paint your Wild Thing
- As you paint talk about the shapes you are using, circle, triangles a smile line, nose holes, hair…
- Tell the students they will be only painting with black paint today and then let them paint their own Wild Thing
- Show them how to clean their brush in water cup at end of class.
- On day two have students watch you paint with bright colors, your Wild Thing
- Let them do the same with their art.
(Day 2 or 3)
Share and Reflect:
- Students can share their art
- While they are sharing ask them:
- Tell us about your Wild Thing
- Does your wild thing have a name?
- If you were to change anything on your painting, what would it be?
I hope you enjoyed this lesson on Where the Wild Things Are by JoJo. She has so many wonderful Art ideas for Kinder and I plan on having her share them with you on my personal blog Kindergarten Hugs and also through Pre-K and K Sharing throughout the upcoming months!
I have been trying to talk her into writing her own blog to share her talent and love for Art! Maybe all the love and support she gets from Pre-K and K Sharing will help her make that leap!
Carie is a kindergarten teacher from Illinois who writes on the 17th of each month. She shares her experiences and ideas from her classroom, writing about reading, writing, math, Art, and several other fun and exciting things!
Carie also writes her own blog:

Pinned and bookmarked! Thank you so much. The questions are fun and I know children would have very serious answers. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteLove those wild things! So cute!
Conversations in Literacy
JoJO! Welcome. I'm Debbie JO and she's Carie JO.... I think I see a pattern here! I just ADORE children' art and you are welcome to more (and more and more and more) guest posts around here.