“My father didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.”
~ Clarence B. Kelland

This experience prompted me to write a blog specifically focusing on father’s. It seems that it is still all too frequent that the emphasis of parenting is put on the mother. However, I have happily noticed recently that it appears there is an increase in the focus on the great impact and importance Dads have on children’s overall development.
Following are a few bits of information to help us celebrate Dad this month and recognize the great connections Dads create!
- Language development occurs through direct interaction. One research study revealed the impact a father can have on language development of 2 to 3 year olds. Click here for the study
- Rough and tumble play contributes greatly to healthy development. In the book, The Science of Parenting by Margot Sunderland, she states the impact of rough and tumble play. Typically fathers tend to have more of this physical play with children. “If you have lots of physical playtimes with your child, it’s highly likely that you are enhancing the development of her higher human brain, with all its amazing functions, including better management of emotions and stress.”
- Fathers contribute greatly and in many ways. This article from CIVITAS is filled with information and numerous resources. How Do Fathers Fit In?
- Fathers make a long lasting impact that begins early. Have you seen this heartwarming video of an aging father and his son? It is one I enjoy watching and sharing. Hope you enjoy it! (I tear up every time) A touching story of an old father, son and a sparrow.
Enjoy a wonderful Father's Day!
by Deborah McNelis, Owner Brain Insights and Author of, The Brain Development Series www.braininsightsonline.com
Great information, Deborah ... and what a touching video! I pinned your post to my Stress-Free Kids Pinterest board at http://pinterest.com/debchitwood/stress-free-kids/