It's getting to be that time of year again. When classrooms and hallways go awash with striped hats and cats! It's time to really finish up your plans for "Read Across America" and all things Seuss. I've gathered up some brand new goodies for your inspiration from my author/illustrator school visits across the country! The images today are from schools in Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, New York, AZ and TEXAS!
How can you possibly go wrong with paper plates, pipe cleaners and torn construction paper.
Aren't these clever?
A craftivity to be sure, yet each character has their own unique spin.
Projects that extend the illustrations of picture books,
into the lives and on to the bulletin boards of classrooms.........
are a sure fire way to build enthusiasm for reading!
Think of all that fine motor development with the tearing of the paper!
Here's a bright bulletin board celebrating all THINGS Seuss.
Lucky Mrs. Wishard to have 'only' 18 THINGS to teach.
You may know that my first full time teaching position in public school was as the art teacher. My heart leaps and dances when I see such work as this composite of free hand drawings below. These clever renditions were created by kindergarten kiddos in my adopted state of Florida! I rejoice at the classroom teacher who values drawing as a foundation skill for young children. This level of work does not emerge from a class over night. This is the result of classroom teacher and students working in concert over many, many weeks to develop skills of observation and interpretation. FIVE STARS!! TEN STARS!!!! KUDOS!!! Winner, winner, Chicken Dinner! It can be done!
Even when given some 'templates' for the famed
these littles have obviously been given the lattitude to create their own renditions.
I don't know if there's anything more exciting that being the author that gets to visit an Elementary School during "Read Across America" week!
Sunburst Elementary outside of Phoenix was decked out from the first bulletin board to the last!
These hand painted chairs and stools were stunning!
Gotta LUV the effort of this classroom door!
Just makes me smile from ear-to-ear!
Dr. Seuss: the original motivational guru.
Look at these two amazing decorated doors,
courtesy of the teachers at Sunburst Elementary, in the greater Phoenix area, AZ!
So which is your FAVORITE Dr. Seuss Book?
Last year about this time I had a RoundUP of ideas spotted on my travels.
There are some real classics in this earlier article.
{Just click the picture to go back in time.}
Here's a few of my favorite images from that earlier RoundUP -- in case you don't have time for the extra click. You'll have to go back to see the various 'apples-up-on-top' projects and green eggs. Plus the details surrounding the CLASSIC Lorax decorated classroom door are in the earlier article.

It has already been two years since I spent time with Crystal Radke, the beloved blogger at "Kreative in Kinder." We had so much fun together. We were together for our own READING CELEBRATION!
I got to visit her school wearing my unique author-illustrator hat. We gathered all of the Kinder classes and Firsties into their cafeteria for the fun. {Don't tell. A couple of the second grade classes snuck in at the last minute, too!} Here's a couple of glimpses into our shared fun.
Having a REAL-AUTHOR come to school is a sure fire way to get the students excited about the process of reading and writing!
We had enough time together to have a BIG ending for our show. I am something of an unusual picture book author and illustrator, as my books are the embodiment of original songs that I have written and recorded. I have turned three of my songs into the traditional picture book format.

All of my work starts with a song. Lyrics. Singing. This next picture is a capture of the teachers joining me on stage for a spirited rendition of my "Piggy Rap." I think that you can see that the teachers DELIGHTED their students with their enthusiasm. BTW: That's Crystal right in the middle of the picture.
I received such a delightful surprise from Crystal's students.
She had them each draw a picture for me.
Then she bound them all into a book!!!
The whole thing is a treasure, but this little portrait has captured by heart.
Under the category of old dogs and new tricks!
Crystal and her teenagers have taught me MUCH!
Here is my first, ever fliptogram 'movie' WITH MY SONG!
If ever you need a pick-me-up, just click for the joy!
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