I have to admit, between my classroom blog and this one, I've been in a little bit of a blogging funk. I have no idea why...because here in Florida we've had the mildest winter this "practically-native" teacher can remember!
Leave it to your kids to inspire you and get you out of your funk!
Last week, my 4 year old son asked me to bring him to "my" classroom so he could make art. When my firetruck-loving, matchbox car-obsessed son wants to create...I oblige!
He had asked me about dandelions earlier in the week, so I thought that may be a good subject.
First, we dipped halved q-tips in periwinkle paint and stuck them in a styrofoam ball.

At first we used a pipe-cleaner as a stem, but thought a stick might be sturdier...
Spring love, I tell ya.
Next we used black marker to make some "stems"...
and more q-tips to dot white paint on top of the stems.
and the few "stray" dots from an over-zealous dotter?
perfect for those fly-aways that are blowin' in the wind.
(ps- the pride on his face is what makes my art-loving-heart go pitter patter. that is truly priceless.)
I declare the spring of 2013 officially....OPEN. Let your children inspire YOU at least once this week.
Joanna Davis-Lanum is the mom of two boys, art teacher, and photographer. Sometimes she has writers block and creativity block...but is thankful that her students and kids keep striving for MORE. You can visit her classroom blog We Heart Art for more elementary art lessons and activities.
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