
Monday, November 23, 2015

Don't Pop the Bubble Wrap

It's Scott from Brick by Brick. I love to repurpose materials—use materials in ways different from their intended purpose.

Do you love to pop bubble wrap? It's a great stress reliever. But if you can restrain yourself from all that popping, you can use bubble wrap for painting! (And that may relieve stress, too.) I've used bubble wrap in two ways for painting. 

Bubble Wrap Painting (Brick by Brick)

Bubble Wrap Painting (Brick by Brick)

We have wrapped blocks with bubble wrap. Tape the wrap into place. Pour paint into a shallow pan. Dip the wrapped block in the paint. And stamp or smear away!

Bubble Wrap Painting (Brick by Brick)

Bubble Wrap Painting (Brick by Brick)

Bubble Wrap Painting (Brick by Brick)

A hint: Fold a paper towel to put in the pan. Dampen the towel with water before adding the paint on top. The paper towel creates a "stamp pad" effect. If you do not add a little water to the towel before adding paint, the bubble wrap may stick to the towel and pull it out of the pan. (Trust me; it's true!)

Bubble Wrap Painting (Brick by Brick)

Bubble Wrap Painting (Brick by Brick)

Another way to use bubble wrap is to tape a piece of bubble wrap to the table or easel. Offer paint and brushes. Kids can paint right on the bubble wrap. The textured surface gives a different experience than painting on smooth paper. Make a print from the child's design by pressing a piece of paper on top of the bubble wrap and carefully pulling it off.

Bubble Wrap Painting (Brick by Brick)

Bubble Wrap Painting (Brick by Brick)

I always say that you can paint with just about anything. Bubble wrap is a fun way to explore and expand your painting horizons!

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