
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Fun February SUPER Start: Hearts, Flags + 100 Days!

FEBRUARY! Oh how we LUV LUV LUV on February! 
Today is the beginning of all things SUPER! 
SUPER Bowl Sunday indeed!

Hand-painted Kinder HEART canvas: perfect craft for Valentine's Day: RainbowsWithinReach

I've gathered up some happy hearts as inspiration for your Valentine's Extravaganza! Can you really have enough hearts and LUV in your life? Get out the red and pink construction paper out, gather your glitter (or not) and let your HEART go WILD! 

That first heart up above is VERY meaningful to me. I sat at the elbow of my Little Red, WonderPeep {grand-daughter} as she painted that masterpiece on a SMALL stretched canvas for MY mom, obviously her great grandma! 

My parents (and hubby) last week for mom's EIGHTIETH birthday
I was just visiting my parents for my mom's 80th birthday last week and guess where that precious canvas resides? You guessed it! In THE place of honor amid the family heirlooms and treasures. It is probably about 5 inches wide, maybe only four, and it is precious beyond measure. 

These keepsakes that you create with the children in your life are held near and dear by their loved ones, for ages to come! 

Take a look next at this amazing 'heart-quilt' that I had the good fortune to see at the Preschool of our Denver-Darling. Simple. Painted hand-prints and then a 'capture' of their insight into kindness transcribed on the heart. It is the stunning simplicity of the over all design that is breath-taking. [If you want to read what the kiddos have to say, click the pic to be transported over to my personal blog: Precious alert.] 

"Our Kindness Quilt" Preschool Insight into Kindness via RainbowsWithinReach

The "Kindness Quilt" above was created at the year's beginning, for an amazing 'back-to-school' display and for setting the tone for the new school year. This same idea would make an AMAZING classroom collaboration in honor of Valentine's Day! 

There is absolutely 'no-shelf-life' on teaching kindness to our littles. Take every occasion possible to talk about the basics: being nice to others, sharing, taking turns. Establishing a sense of community comes first, but building on the basics never runs out of style. 

Now hold on to your hat! I want to show you how I spent Valentine's Day in 2014. I had the great good fortune to be invited to a FL private school, for an author's visit ON VALENTINE'S DAY! 

Are you ready to take a peek at the incredible backdrop that greeted me? This was the stage setting. SO BIG there was no way that my camera could capture all of the premeditated shower of LOVE in one shot! 

Valentine's Day Collaborative Quilt for Author Illustrator Visit with Debbie Clement

Kindergarten Water Color Hearts for Author School Visit with Debbie Clement
Kindergarten Water Color Hearts for Valentine's Day Author Visit 

One half of the Collaborative Valentine's Day Quilt created for Author visit with Debbie Clement
This is way less than half of the backdrop of LOVE! 
Here I am warming up the Preschool crowd with some follow directions, "Simon Says" type activity. Follow the leader NEVER gets old and it literally doesn't have to cost you two cents. Preparing to get started may be my favorite part of the presentation. All eyes wide open! Everyone's excited! Get 'em movin'!!! BEGIN!

PreK+K Author-Illustrator Presentation with Debbie Clement

Here are some additional "oldies-but-goodies." 

photo of: Valentine's Day Friendship Paintings via RainbowsWithinReach

photo of: Classic Valentine Accordion Sweetheart via RainbowsWithinReach

Valentine's Day "Conversations" Bulletin Board via RainbowsWithinReach

Here are some 'new' Valentine's Bulletin Boards on display at faith-based preschools I have visited.

Here's the PERFECT project for February. 
Combine the Valentine's Day Hearts and patriotic President's Day colors. 

Patriotic Hearts for President's Day via RainbowsWithinReach

I have a couple of 'new' articles in this past month over at my blog that I know you will appreciate. 

This first one gathers up nine different ways that teachers have their class 'sign-in' for the day! 
Some examples are from Preschool and a couple from Kindergarten. 

9 Methods of Fine Motor "Sign-in Systems" in PreK +K Classrooms via RainbowsWithinReach

I saw these Kinder SPRAY PAINTED Nature Projects out in CA at the PK1 Conference. 
You simply MUST go see how they were created. 

I have the teacher's experience on record now. 
Be certain to read her 'comment' below the article itself! 

Kindergarten SPRAY PAINTED Nature Projects via RainbowsWithinReach

As usual, I will continue to add 'more' to this article over the course of the next day or so. Check back later for inspiration for President's Day! 

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