
Sunday, January 4, 2015

FREE Printable for FUN January Greetings

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!!!!  Time to head back to school after a LOOOOONNNNGGGG Winter Break!!!  In our house the day is full of mixed emotions!  While we are all excited about getting back to the routine and seeing friends again after the long break we are also a bit sad to see the days of long naps, playing as long as you want, and time with family come to an end! (sniff, sniff)

Hopefully this post will PERK you up a bit with a FREE PRINTABLE!!!  Who doesn't LOVE FREE STUFF!!!  :)

One of the most important things you can do tomorrow morning is remember to GREET your students warmly as they arrive!  As difficult as it may be for you to get out of bed and come back to school after so many days at home, it is just as challenging or maybe even more so for your students!!! 

These fun new JANUARY greetings will help you reconnect with your students and warm things up before you begin your activities for the day!!! 

Remember, always include eye contact, touch, being present, and playfulness in whatever connecting activities you use with your students! 

The little bit of time that you invest in creating these meaningful connections with your students will pay back BIG dividends!!!  When you connect through playful activities and build relationships with your students you are actually creating neural pathways in the brain!!!!  WOW!!!  How cool is that?!?  Those are the same neural connections that lead to willingness, impulse control, attention, and cooperation!!!  Now who doesn't want that the first week back from Winter Break????? 

Just follow the link below to my Teachers Pay Teachers store to get your FREE Printable so you can start tomorrow right!!!!  It has everything you need for FREE!!!!
This post was written by Jenny Spencer, Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor, at Ignite Learning LLC.  Connect with Jenny at her blog!!! 


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