
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Building with Pipes

It's Scott from Brick by Brick. I love to repurpose materials—use materials in ways different from their intended purpose.

During the last week of school, we had a Tinker and Build Day. Kids could bring Lego bricks, blocks, puzzles, and other materials for building and putting together. I took one of my favorite things to build with - something that I repurposed - my pipe builders.

I made these builders a few years ago. PVC pipe from the home improvement store cut down into different lengths. I roughly measured them but didn't try to match sizes too closely. (I'd do this differently next time so kids can make squares and rectangles easier.)

I walked down the aisle and found all kinds of connectors. After the first use, the kids told me that we needed more pipe lengths so I cut more. 

These homemade builders allow kids to experiment and explore in lots of ways. And they are so much fun!

Have you repurposed anything from the home improvement store to create fun learning experiences?

1 comment:

  1. I love PVC, it's so versatile. I also think it's great to give kids such big pieces to play with because then they start thinking about scale and building their our play spaces. It's not just about abstract shapes and robots anymore. Now they get to think more dimensionally and go off into a whole other world. This is great.


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