
Sunday, June 2, 2013

BRILLIANCE FOR EVERYONE and Resources to make it happen!

By Deborah McNelis, Founder/Brain Insights

It is with mixed emotions that I contribute this final post to PreK and K Sharing. It has been EXTREMELY wonderful to be a part of this fabulous resource along with the amazingly talented authors that contribute!!
Brilliant Brains for Everyone- Prek and K sharing

It is with heartfelt thanks to Debbie Clement for creating this blog, to every one of the contributors and to all of the readers for making a difference in the lives of children everyday!!!

How FUN it is to see the post yesterday announcing the 1,000th follower!!!  SO, I join Debbie in continuing this CELEBRATION also with a valuable giveawy!!  Simply comment below and you will be entered to win a Brain Development Activity Packet of your choice in English or Spanish!!! The random drawing will take place on June 14th!

The mixed emotions I feel are due to the great pleasure it has been to be a part of this from the beginning, combined with the great excitement for many NEW ways to make positive things happen for children!!

As you have maybe already heard me say, the goal of the company, Brain Insights, is to make Early Brain Development common knowledge. It is my deep desire to ensure that the essential information on the basics of what maturing brains need is understood by ....... EVERYONE!!

We not only need parents, grandparents, early childhood educators and people working directly with children to understand this. The children are counting on EVERY adult to know what they need most!!!  We need, the medical community, school boards and administrators, employers and business leaders, community leaders and politicians.... EVERYONE to understand and support the optimal development of every child. As, I frequently say,

"WE ALL benefit when ALL children have well developed brains!"

There is Brilliance within ALL children

 With this passion, in this last post, I share with you several ways we can all continue to be a part of making this finally happen!!  Each of us is BRILLIANT and each child also has BRILLIANCE within!

When I use the word brilliance I am not only talking about intelligence. Of course this is an extremely important part of it, but I also mean much more than being smart. I mean the brilliance that is within each one of us. I am referring to all that makes each one of us a unique individual. It is my dream to have EVERY one of us fully shine. The world needs your BRILLIANCE!

I suggest we simply do 3 things for ourselves and our children to promote greater 
Brilliance in the World!!

  • Continue to learn from each other and share with one another!
  • Come together to create a bigger voice!
  • Acknowledge all the positive things you are doing EVERY day!!

In achieving this effort, a new site called, Brain Insights Now has been created!!!!  This is one of the many new things I am so enthused to share with you!!!  This community of people coming together to share brilliance, would be SO honored to have you join in! 

There are NUMEROUS benefits....  Weekly insights with a related article, brilliance bits and a video clip are all available FREE!!! or As a VIP member you receive a FREE Loving A Baby printable poster. And each month a new printable is available to share in newsletters, use for parent involvement, or post on bulletin boards!  In addition, you will get to enjoy recent articles and interviews from world wide experts, referrals to valuable resources, implementation ideas, and of course inspiration! Also, there is the wonderful opportunity for you to contribute, benefit from and share in the, Creating Great Connections Forum!  

AND..... there will also be a Brain Insights Presentation available !! Since not everyone can afford an in person presentation, this is a way for you to easily enjoy and benefit from a new Brain Insights presentation!  It is perfect for parents, lunch and learns, and staff meetings!

For further information on how you will definitely benefit, these kids will share and answer your questions!

It is through people like you coming together that we can FINALLY make it happen ... to have ALL children experiencing what their young developing brains really need! We can support ways to help EVERY child shine!!

This week, Gill Connell, from Moving Smart wrote a wonderful blog post that I plan to share everywhere!!  It is titled, "Academic Creep". It is one that contains an important message that many of you will also want to share as well. This post explains in large part why a site like Brain Insights Now is needed and why we need great numbers of people coming together to share this understanding!!!! The children are counting on us!

With that thought in mind I close with a list of 10 resources that all contribute to promoting brilliance in children:

Inspired Children  Book by Dr. Rosina McAlpine

Bloom  Brand New e-book by Wendy Young and Dr. Lynne Kenney 

My Feelings Are Hungry Children's book by Ava Parnass

The Blossom Method Book by Vivien Sabel (An interview with Vivien is also on the site!)

Today I Ate A Rainbow Kit Developed by Kia Robertson

Cure Your Child with Food New book by Kelly Dorfman

Flip 2 B Fit  Fitness Game for kids and families

Elevating Child Care Blog by Janet Lansbury

The Global Presence Founded by Marlaine Cover

The Toy Man Product Guide Independent non-paid product evaluations

And last, one other NEW announcement from Brain Insights is a new offering coming soon from Red Leaf Press!!  This will be an additional series of the Brain Development Activity Packets designed for Early Childhood Educators!!! I can not wait for you to enjoy these!!!

With ENORMOUS appreciation and and a heartfelt thank you for all you do to make a positive difference everyday!!! Hopefully, you will find and have found great benefit in all that I have shared with you here.

Brilliance for Everyone - PreKandKsharing

Looking forward to staying connected with you in many new and exciting ways! Hope to see you as an important part of Brain Insights Now!!! 

Enjoy sharing your brilliance and making a difference!



Deborah McNelis,  MS. ed, is an Early Brain Development Specialist and owner of Brain Insights®

Deborah is the award winning author of, The Brain Development Series, Naturally Developing Young Brains, and the Love Your BabyApp. She has been seen in several publications, heard on numerous radio shows, and receives rave reviews for her enlightening and engaging presentations throughout the country.

Her goal through this work is for everyone to gain an understanding of early brain development, it’s impact, and the ways we can all easily make a REAL difference.  

 Connect with Deborah in all of the following ways:


  1. Sorry to see you go! Good luck with your new venture! It sounds fantastic.

  2. I'm sorry to see you go, too, Deborah. It looks like you have wonderful things happening in your life, though. Good luck and blessings to you!

  3. Deb and Erin, Thank you very much for the kind words and wishes!! I look forward to continuing to network with you in many ways!

  4. Deborah,

    Thank you for all you do on behalf of young children! Your knowledge and tireless work, coupled with your generosity of spirit, is changing brains. In turn, you are a conduit to a better, brighter future for ALL!

    Much gratitude,


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