
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Crafting with Boxes

There is nothing "new" about crafting with box, I think we all know how much children LOVE to play with boxes, be it large ones, that turn into ships, rockets or houses, or smaller ones that turn into treasure boxes or of course classics such as cars and buses!

I am a great fan of "Childhood Classic" crafts and I think sometimes, it is good to stop and revisit these. There is always someone, who will benefit from the idea, I am sure. A memory reawakened.

So we would love to share our little box play set:

We took a number of different sized boxes, one was to become a BUS, one a tram (we cut that box in half length wise to make to long carriages) and one an  RAC rescue vehicle (they are orange break down vans in the UK that my son was obsessed with at the time).

The kids painted!

We found some shiny tape to add as stripes on the side.

I then cut out some windows and doors and we discussed which people should go on it.

Finally, when all the vehicles were made - with details such as headlights and emergency lights added, my son took them all outside, on a make shift cardboard road we had and got playing. It was lovely to see how busy it kept him.

We then added some TP Roll Men to the equation and had a whole "Town of Activity" going on - all made from recycled materials!

If you  fancy more great Box Craft ideas check out the following two:

Maggy Woodley is a mum of two and blogs over at Red Ted Art, she has recently published her first book (available on Kindle in the US, hardcopy coming in Autumn and Hardback in the UK). She also writes at Life At The Zoo (about cooking, gardening and science) and Theatre, Books and Movies.

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