
Friday, March 23, 2012

This Trash Can Be a Treasure

Hi! It's Scott from Brick by Brick. I love to repurpose materials—use materials in ways different from their intended use. This time let's think about shredded paper. 

Much of the paper we use is paper from my shredder at home - stuff I've shredded to throw away. Instead of tossing the paper, I've used some of it in the classroom. 

I've hidden letters in the paper. Kids found the letters and spelled words.

I've hidden names in the paper. Kids found their names and the names of their friends.

We've also used colored shredded paper in our water bottle collages. Kids stuffed bottles with paper strips and covered the bottles with stickers. 

In the past we've also used paper shreds as our collage materials. We've used them as filler in other projects. And, sometimes, we just like to play with it. 

This particular trash has become a treasure in our classroom.

My name is Scott, though most call me Mr. Scott. I love teaching preschoolers and kindergartners. I have been working with kids for over 25 years. I've been a teacher, preschool center director, volunteer, curriculum writer and editor, and workshop and conference leader. I blog at Brick by Brick.


  1. Awesome ideas for shredded paper, Scott! I always love hunts using different materials ... great idea to hide letters and names in the shredded paper! I pinned your post to the collaborative Reading and Writing Readiness Pinterest board at Deb @

  2. I love this idea Scott! What a fun way to explore trash!!!

  3. What an awesome and fun idea ! My pupils are going to love it too! I'm going to give it a try in my lessons as soon as possible. Thanks for sharing :)


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