
Friday, November 18, 2011

Deborah J. Stewart: Blogging in Early Childhood

It is such a pleasure to join this esteemed group of bloggers. My name is Deborah J. Stewart and I run a little blog called Teach Preschool where I share little snippets and observation from my preschool classroom.

I have been blogging about early childhood education for about two years now and during that time I have learned quite a bit about blogging and social networking within the early childhood community. Since I already have a blog about my classroom, I thought I would use this forum to share simple tips and observation that I have learned about blogging (and social networking) for early childhood education...

Tips about blogging
There are many aspects of early childhood blogging and social networking that can stump a person. Trying to decide what to share, what not to share, how to connect with others who do share, how to get started, where to find answers to those technical problems, and the list goes on.  I don't know that I can supply all the answers but I can certainly share some of the things that I have learned along the way in my blogging journey...

Tips about social networking
Social Networking in early childhood education has really just begun to take root and grow. Through forums such as Twitter and Facebook - teachers and parents are able to connect with one another in a whole new and exciting way! I will talk about these kinds of social networking forums and the wonderful doors they can open for you as an early childhood educator...

Tips for online tools
I will also share exciting sites and tools you can use to find and save activities you find on the web. There are so many wonderful ideas being shared through blogs and other websites that it is a good idea to know how to save, tag, categorize and bookmark the ideas you find and love...

All of my tips will address the concerns that many early childhood educator have when first starting their online journey. As an early childhood educator, I understand the complexities we face and fears we face when it comes to social networking.  I hope to help bring new understanding and insight into this wonderful world of social networking so you will reap all the benefits it has to offer.

I will see you next month and together, we will explore more about blogging and social networking in early childhood education!

Deborah J. Stewart, M.Ed.


  1. Yay Deborah!! You are always so supportive and helpful to other ECE bloggers - and this topic is a perfect fit for you!! I am looking forward to reading your post each month! :-)

  2. Thank you Laura - I enjoy talking about social networking in early childhood education so this should be a fun topic for me to share:)

  3. Yes, Deborah if there's anyone capable of leading others to a better grasp of the resource available through the internet -- its you!!! We will all learn new tricks and ways to share our work with a wider world thru your caring direction, kindness and insight.

    Thanks for staying on top of the new developments and for your willingness to share the latest. HURRAY!!!!!

    So many will be grateful for your systematic insight. INCLUDING ME!!!!!!

  4. Thanks for inviting me to be apart of this blogging group and adventure Debbie:)

  5. Deborah I'm excited to hear from you on this topic. In the short time that I have followed you I have seen such support from you. It's so great to see such authentic collaboration. Thank you again!

  6. I have already learned sooooo much from your expertise about blogging and sharing. I can't wait to see what insights you'll share next! :))

  7. Thank you Darlene and Ayn! What wonderful comments to read. I am trying to decide where to start so let me know if there are any suggestions:)

  8. It's so wonderful to have you in the collaborative, Deborah ... you're the perfect person to write about blogging and social networking for early childhood educators! It'll be great to read your posts each month! :) Deb @

  9. Deborah- I love the fact that you're going to focus on social networking and blogging! I can't wait to learn more!

  10. You are amazing Deborah! I am looking forward to learning more!

  11. This sounds so exciting and I will stay tuned for each adventure.


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