
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Deanna Jump: Kindergarten Thankfulness

Happy Thanksgiving!!
Happy Day of Tradition and Time of Reflection.

It's me, Debbie Clement, circus ring-master and editor-in-chief here at PreK + K Sharing, broadcasting to you from the land of opportunity and the home of new beginnings. Today it is my great joy and privilege to introduce you to our newest contributor, Deanna Jump. Deanna is part house-hold name, part professional cheerleader to fellow educators,  part celebrity of Teachers Pay Teachers notoriety fame -- plus kind and gracious fellow grandma filled with smiles. She has a very special spot in many a kindergarten teacher's heart. I can't wait for her to take up official residence here among the rest of our crew.

In the future Deanna is eager to share with us here from her own kindergarten classroom and she was kind enough to agree to join us now, if I could just help her get this particular post launched. So I have had the great good fortune to go digging thru her 14 month old blog in search of material of an introductory nature. That's her on the right above, giving a hug to her para-professional, who created the 50's style car for their 50th day of school celebrations. (Click here for more on those festivities.) They are obviously an amazing team!

Combing through Deanna's blog posts, its apparent that she places a high value on family. I know that she is treasuring this day of Thanksgiving by relishing in all things family. After all that's what Thanksgiving is for.  

You only have to scroll down just a tad here in our collective blog to read fellow kindergarten teacher Carie's post here yesterday of the heroic nature of Carie's own service in the US Army and her reflections on the effect of that service upon her own family.  

When I saw this picture in Deanna's blog it seemed a fitting follow-up to yesterday's post. I thought you'd like to meet Deanna's son-in-law upon his return home to the States from his service in Afghanistan surrounded by his adoring family. Look at Deanna's two delightful grand-daughters! Blessings indeed!! You can read the post Deanna wrote last year about Veteran's Day by clicking here. I'll let Deanna tell us about the rest of her family in time.

As I have scoured Mrs.Jump's class blog I have learned quite a lot myself. I honestly had to do a little research to make certain that I understood all about glyphs, because Mrs. Jump uses this form frequently in her classroom with her young mathematicians-in-the-making. Here's an example: Turkey glyph from last year's Nov post, click here to read more. By the way, a glyph is a graphic representation, as in hieroGHYPHic. So each child's turkey project will have personalized details based on their own specifics of liking turkey or not, their age at the time, and the story they preferred. Genius. No?

As a former elementary Art teacher I never tire of seeing creativity expressed by the entire family. From the same post mentioned above, here's a peak at the homework assignments created by Mrs. Jump's kindergarten families.

                                    I could go on:
Pilgrim Project

and on:
Click here to read about this year's Pilgrim project

But I have to say that I truly admire a woman who has a pumpkin decaying in her classroom in a salute to combining science and great literature. You'll have to click right here to read more of that process.

We all look forward to hearing directly from this Master-Teacher.
Please leave comments & questions for Deanna's welcome to our midst!!

**Please visit Deanna Jump's own blog at Mrs.Jump's Class to see her gazillions of ideas combining the Arts, Science, Math and reading direction of all sorts. Deanna writes original stories and poems and creates original teacher materials which are available through her Teachers Pay Teachers store.

1 comment:

  1. Great introduction, Debbie! What fun projects Deanna has done! And she (like you) seems to have unlimited energy for creating and sharing. What an awesome addition to PreK + K Sharing! :) Deb @


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